Tama Tama Rockstar RD drumset Reviews 1

i got the set (10", 12", 13", 16" toms,24" bass,14" snare) at my local musicstore for around $1200

the starcast mounting system is great. the toms really resonate from it. the toms give a good sound you can tune up for jazz or keep em low for rock. the bass is nice and punchy.

the snare is a little boxy but it gets the job done. i wish they would have included a wood one.

7 plies mahogany 2 plies basswood. the stands are double braced and sturdy.

this is a good set for beginners to intermediate players. its worth the money u might want to get a new snare tho.

n dawg rated this unit 1 on 2002-12-07.

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